Pragmatic Investment Plan - End of 2008
In the past I’ve written up a small list of general goals to help measure my technical progress. Over the last few years I’ve become a lot busier and this habit fell by the wayside. But no more! I’ve got a quarter left and I’m going to try and complete…
- Write and publish a technical article.
- Attend two technical events.
- Read and review 3 books.
- Write and publish two Perl modules.
- Create a personal Debian repo
- Create 4 Debian packages, at least one of which should contain other peoples code.
- Write 30 blog posts - at least 15 of which should be technical.
- Choose the programming language I'll be learning next year.
Considering this is one of the busiest times of the year I have no idea how far I’ll get but I do think it’s worth at least an attempt.