FOSDEM 2005 Survivor

Last weekend I ended up being (just about) well enough to to travel over to FOSDEM in Brussels. I’ve done FOSDEM every year and it’s always excellent. The combination of great talks, friendly atmosphere and getting to meet people you don’t see often enough mixed in with some heavy socialising, good meals and late nights makes it my favourite event each year.

I was lucky enough to travel over with a rag-tag group of Linux geeks, Perl people, a RedHat employee and a Debian developer… Not exactly a cohesive group but it seemed to work! The trip over was very pleasant and included discussions on file-systems, clustered locking, the rugby and a lot of very bad puns.

It’s customary on the Friday night to meet up with the local crowd, any speakers that have already made it over, the rest of the London crew and the Debian party animals in the centre of town for drinks, food, more drinks and then more drinks before waddling back to the hotels. I didn’t get to stay out as late as I usually do (not sure why I normally book a hotel with a bed to be honest! :)) but the pub was jumping and the people were great.

Over the next few days I’m going to try and combine my notes with links to the speakers slides and give some details of the talks I attended for those of you that couldn’t make it.