When I picked up this very slim tome I knew nearly nothing about Gradle. Over the hundred odd well written pages of Building and Testing with Gradle I learned enough to understand the basic how, when and whys of the tool. The book itself covered basic Gradle usage, how it compares to existing tools like maven, how to use ant and your existing ant task toolbox from within it and a basic look at how to write a custom task and integrate your own testing. Read on →

The aim is to, at the least, achieve all these goals. The time allocated is from December 2012 to December 2013. Read (and hopefully Review) 12 Tech books Building and Testing with Gradle - Short Review Puppet Types and Providers - Short Review Resilience and Reliability on AWS - book review Cisco Routers for the Desperate (2nd edition) The Phoenix Project Effective monitoring and alerting Beginning Puppet Cloud Architecture Patterns Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization Heroku: Up and Running Extreme Programming Adventures in C# Micro-ISV (Vision to reality) An Introduction to Programming in Go Pro Puppet 2nd Edition Write 50 blog posts. Read on →

A while ago @ripienaar and I had a chat in a pub about monitoring, event systems and lots of related subjects. As we all know he’s way more productive than is fair and so while he’s been doing a BUNDLE of work with on subjects like monitoring frameworks and event correlation I’ve been doing some thinking (and no actual coding) about event auditing, continuous compliance and security event management. Now I’ve finished the $TIMESINK_PROJECT I’m soon going to actually need some of this stuff so I’ve started putting together a prototype framework that I’m calling DSAC - Dump Send and Correlate. Read on →

<tl;dr> Search for puppet resources values using puppet, not just plain text</tl;dr> One of the ideas that has been sitting on my todo list is having a command that lets me grep a puppet manifest for certain properties, values or even just resources in a smarter way than just running a raw grep over files. While a simple grep works in some cases it is annoyingly fragile when you’re trying to ignore literal strings in resource types that you’re not interested in or narrow your search down to resources that have a property that can also appear in other types. Read on →

While most people know you can use puppet to ensure a service is running the mechanism it uses to determine if a service is actually running is often unexplored. By default (at least up to Puppet 2.6) puppet assumes that a service doesn’t supply a working status option and so will look up the services name in the process table to check if it’s running. If your service does support the status argument you can set ‘hasstatus => true’ and the platforms service provider will be used to interrogate the services current status. Read on →

It’s been years since I’ve read a book on VMWare. Between the maturity and ease of use of their GUI tools and my own continual move towards Free virtualisation I’ve not had the professional need or the spare time to invest but when a book comes as highly recommended as the VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical deepdive does you have to make some room on your (virtual) bookshelf. Read on →

I’ve been doing a little tinkering with pre/post release checklists and compliance reporting using cucumber and some Nagios wrapping (among other things) in my test lab and recently needed to do some higher level entire environment checks before moving on to the next step. While it’s possible to wrap something like nmaps ping check and then Nagios each target it does feel like stepping back a few years in the tool chain. Read on →

I never thought I’d use a cliche like “David vs Goliath” but considering the two speakers at London Devops it does seem a little apt. Andrew Godwin from ep.io, a Python hosting platform, was the first speaker, and he did an excellent job of explaining their internal platform, how they make their decisions and what makes them special. While it was both an interesting and engaging talk it did leave me a little worried about the size of the operation. Read on →

Last year at one of the many Belgium tech events Kris mentioned a conference called LOAD (2010) to me. I was a little late in booking the hotel and in the end I couldn’t make it over - and judging by the quality of this years event that was a big mistake. While it’s nice to spend time in the devops world and talk about communication, processes and how to merge development and operational tool-chains sometimes it’s nice to focus on solid, production grade sysadmining; and LOAD was the perfect conference for it. Read on →

Our source code has always been air gapped from the Internet. The forensic examination confirmed that software development servers and workstations were not affected by the incident – from HBGary Anyone else find it hard to accept that none of the developers, testers, documentation writers or build people ever accessed source code from their Internet connected laptops / workstations? Especially considering the state of their other security measures. Don’t get me wrong, in some cases it’s a sensible solution ( off-line key signing for example) but for entire teams working on a shared code base? Read on →