Whois.sc and Koders Mycroft Searches
I’ve added a whois.sc search to the Mozilla Searches page. It works fine in FireFox or Mozilla but doesn’t work in the sidebar as it will typically return a single result.
I’ve also added some Koder.com searches. The Koders.com website crawls and indexes source code from a number of different sites and projects. It then lets you run queries based upon keywords, specific languages and/or licenses, returning the code that matches.
The koders searches are unofficial, work in the Mozilla sidebar or with plain FireFox and have two small quirks, firstly they all use the same logo as I’m rubbish at design. Secondly (in the Mozilla sidebar) they will show the link to the second page of results in the returned results. I did this so the results include the “Project Matches” results at the cost of one link that just says “2”.
If you want a specific language search that I’ve not created, download either the Perl or Ruby examples and do a find and replace all occurrences of perl or ruby with your language of choice. Assuming you get the correct language from the www.koders.com site it shouldn’t take more than thirty seconds. The searches I’ve created search through all licenses, it’s pretty easy to limit by license but I didn’t need that.